The Winter Market is an annual event at OSU, where the 3rd year industrial design students spend a full semester researching and creating products to sell at a market. 
Discover and Define
This portion of the project covers our ethnographic-style research and its findings, eventually tying into final insights that can be applied into creating products for the OSU Winter Market
The presentation below is what was shown to our panel of judges as the deliverable for this portion of the project. 
As part of this project, our final product and concepts would be based off of the research from another team. Their research can be seen in the presentation here.
The development went through a variety of phases and techniques that were ultimately able to lead to two final product pitches, which were shown to our panel of judges and voted on to see which concept we would complete for the market.
The presentation below is our final two product pitches. Sensory stitch, the second product, won the vote. Our teams research went into creating this presentation.
Here are some photos of our final product that we brought to the Winter Market, as well as a promotional video for the project. 

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